Regenactiv® textile technology
The Regenactiv® textile technology is based on the interaction of two threads that woven together give MUVU garments their protective qualities.

The textile fibre that makes up the Regenactiv® technology is a natural and biodegradable main yarn (viscose of vegetable origin and chitin of marine origin, called Viscose CH) intertwoven with a second spin of ionised polyamide with silver called Polyamide Ion.

This novel and exclusive combination results, in contact with the skin, extra protection in the maintenance and improvement of its immunological and defensive qualities, enhancing the skin's natural mechanisms to deal with external factors that jeopardize its integrity .

The Regenactiv® technology is applied is many garments made for different parts of the body:

  •  "Foot care" line: socks indicated for use as prevention, in conditions such as mycosis of the feet, hyperhidrosis, hyperkeratosis and small diabetic foot injuries.

  • "Body care" line: tubular and prosthetic socks (in development) oriented to cases of risk of pressure ulcers, both in the feet and in other parts of the body.

  • "Body care" line: Gloves used as a complementary treatment in pathologies such as hand dermatitis.

  • “Body care” line: top (in development) aimed at cases of breast edema and radiotherapy dermatitis.

  • "Intimate care" line: collection of underwear and second skin garments (in development) indicated for cases of Butterfly Skin, keratosis ...

  •  "Body Care Line ”: collection of hair textile (hat and ribbon) oriented to cases of hair implants.

Any sensitive skin or that suffers an agression, is benefited by the use of these garments.


Protection against fungi and bacteria

  • Prevention against infections on skin lesions
  • Prevention against odour

Preventing and avoiding

  • Skin overheating
  • Skin irritation

High absorption capacity

  • Absorption of the excess of humidity to create an optimal skin comfort
  • Mechanical barrier to absorb exudation and improve the skin’s recovery process

Acceleration of the process of recovery from superficial skin lesions keeping skin aseptic

Know more
Regenactiv® textile technology

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Foot Care Development and special structure for the most sensitive of skins


Foot Care Development and special structure for the most sensitive of skins


Foot Care Development and special structure for the most sensitive of skins


Foot Care Development and special structure for the most sensitive of skins


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Mascarilla protectora Ítaca KIDS

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Private: Ítaca protective mask

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Certificates and Validations

  • CE prevencion pie diabético
  • ISO 9001 MUVU
  • ER 13485
  • IqNet
  • Oeko-Tex
  • The Global Compact
  • Europe Union
  • Impiva
  • FI
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